Your Son Is Gone | Military Cadence
(Lyrics & History)
The U.S. Military uses cadences or Jodies - call-and-response marching songs Drill Sergeants have led since PVT Duckworth introduced them in WWII.
A somber and reflective cadence about sacrifice and duty. It tells the story of a sailor’s final moments, honoring his courage and selflessness. The lyrics pay tribute to those who gave their lives to protect their comrades.
Left my Mama home that day
Headed to sea from Tampa Bay
Mama, mama, don’t you fret
I’ll be safe, you can bet
Deck and Con were watching fine
Didn’t have a care on my mind
Two short blasts signaled harm
Next sound was the collision alarm
Mama, mama, don’t you worry
I’ll get to that locker in a hurry
Takin’ on water, going down fast
I fear today might be my last.
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Listen to this cadence:
My shipmates screamed for me to help
So I opened that locker with my belt
Mama, mama, please don’t cry
Your son is gone, I’ll tell you why
With a heavy list and one large roll
He stayed aboard the Blackthorn’s hull
He gave his life to save his crew
For his sacrifice, we thank you
Song Name: Your Son is Gone
Album Name: Cadences Volume 3
by Jonathan Michael Fleming
The lyrics and music to the above cadence are not original to me. To the best of my knowledge, the song is in the public domain, as the author is unknown and has simply been handed down generation-to-generation within the US military.
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