When I was 1 / My Daddy | Military Cadence
(Lyrics & History)
Since World War II, when PVT Willie Lee Duckworth introduced cadences, these call-and-response songs led by Drill Sergeants have helped military units march and run in formation at standardized tempos of 120 and 180 BPM.
This cadence tells the story of a soldier’s journey through life, shaped by the influence of a military father. Each verse builds on the soldier’s growth and milestones, blending humor with respect for military traditions. It highlights the sacrifices and values passed down through generations.
When I was 1
I got my first gun
When I was 2
Boy, I could shoot
My daddy, (hey!), My daddy (hey!), My daddy was an engineer
He watched me (hey!), he watched me (hey!), he watched me, smilin’ from ear to ear
When I was 3
I chopped down my first tree
When I was 4
I kicked in my first door
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Listen to this cadence:
My daddy, (hey!), My daddy (hey!), My daddy was Infantry
He lived his (hey!), he lived his (hey!), he lived his life for you and me
When I was 5
I fought to stay alive
When I was 6
I killed just kicks
My daddy, (hey!), My daddy (hey!), My daddy was in the Army
He lived his (hey!), he gave his (hey!), he lived his life for you and me
Song Name: When I Was 1 (My Daddy)
Album Name: Cadences Volume 3
by Jonathan Michael Fleming
The lyrics and music to the above cadence are not original to me. To the best of my knowledge, the song is in the public domain, as the author is unknown and has simply been handed down generation-to-generation within the US military.
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