VICTORY | Military Cadence
(Lyrics & History)
The U.S. Military’s "Jodies," call-and-response chants, do more than set a pace. They foster unity, uplift morale, and reflect the deep-rooted traditions that bring soldiers together during marches and runs.
VICTORY is a spirited military cadence used during marches and runs to maintain rhythm, build camaraderie, and boost morale among service members. This particular cadence emphasizes themes of triumph, duty, and the commitment of Soldiers to their country.
Victory, victory that’s my battle cry.
Soldiers, soldiers, that’s who we are.
Freedom, freedom, that’s what we win
For duty, or my country I’d give my life
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Listen to this cadence:
Song Name: VICTORY
Album Name: Cadences Volume 4
by Jonathan Michael Fleming
The lyrics and music to the above cadence are not original to me. To the best of my knowledge, the song is in the public domain, as the author is unknown and has simply been handed down generation-to-generation within the US military.
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