They Say That In The Army | Military Cadence
(Lyrics & History)
The United States Military uses call-and-response songs, known as cadences or Jodies, which are led by a Drill Sergeant or Instructor and provide rhythm for marching and running while building unit cohesion.
A humorous take on military life, this cadence pokes fun at the daily struggles of soldiers. From tasteless food to low pay, it captures the ups and downs of service with humor and sarcasm. Its catchy lyrics make it a staple for marching drills and morale boosts.
They say that in the Army the chow is mighty fine
A chicken jumped off the table and started marking time
O Lord, I wanna go
But they won’t let me go
(Home, hey!)
They say that in the Army the biscuits are mighty fine
One rolled off the table and killed a friend of mine
O Lord, I wanna go
But they won’t let me go
(Home, hey!)
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They say that in the Army the pay is mighty fine
They give you a hundred dollars and take-back ninety nine
O Lord, I wanna go
But they won’t let me go
(Home, hey!)
They say that in the Army the women are mighty fine
You ask for Betty Grable, they give you Frankenstein
O lord, I wanna go
But they won’t let me go
(Home, hey!)
They say that in the Army the coffee’s mighty fine
It looks like muddy water and tastes like turpentine
O Lord, I wanna go
But they won’t let me go
(Home, hey!)
Listen to this cadence:
Song Name: They Say That In The Army
Album Name: Cadences Volume 3
by Jonathan Michael Fleming
The lyrics and music to the above cadence are not original to me. To the best of my knowledge, the song is in the public domain, as the author is unknown and has simply been handed down generation-to-generation within the US military.
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