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Hi Ho Lock and Load | Military Cadence
(Lyrics & History)

Within the military, each branch, and even each MOS (military occupational specialty) have their own specialized cadences, and arguably, the best of them stem from the good old infantry. These grunts are a bunch of singing psychopaths.

"Hi Ho Lock and Load" is one of the more tame cadences you'll hear out of these guys... 



Hi, Ho, Lock and Load
The engines are running, we’re ready to roll
Kill the enemy, take control
So early, so early, so early in the morning

Abrams on the hill
Take commander’s ready to kill
Give the order, “Fire at will”
So early, so early, so early in the morning


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Sniper on the ground 
Moving by without a sound
Locks and loads a single round
So early, so early, so early in the morning

Apache’s in the sky
F-16s go zooming by
The enemy is about to die
So early, so early, so early in the morning

Listen to this cadence:

Song Name: Hi Ho Lock and Load
Album Name: Cadences Volume 1
by Jonathan Michael Fleming


The lyrics and music to the above cadence are not original to me. To the best of my knowledge, the song is in the public domain, as the author is unknown and has simply been handed down generation-to-generation within the US military.

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